Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

Add custom milestone badges to a Workflow

Make it easier to keep track of your Workflow’s progress with custom milestones. Milestones are the colored indicators at the top of each instance. An instance will change status based on what’s happening in the process. Milestones let you add badges like Screening or Interview to workflows, so you can track progress with a glance.

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With the Workflow: Create a milestone for your Workflow action, you can set custom milestones for In Progress Workflows.

How to add custom milestones to a Workflow

When a Workflow first starts, it always begin as In Progress. Add the Workflow: Create a milestone for your Workflow action at any point in the process to change the status.

For example, a New Applicant Interview Process may be In Progress for a long time—with custom milestones, you can add phases like Screening or Interview to keep track of progress with a glance.

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