Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

Salesforce Triggers

Thousands of companies use Salesforce to manage sales and service, now Workflow can help you get more done faster within Salesforce. Start an instance of a Workflow based on customizable triggers from Salesforce like after a new account is created, or when an opportunity changes stages.

Use Cases

  • Set up automation to QA each new case that’s entered and verify that all the right information has been documented
  • Check all new account’s that are added against accounts already stored in Salesforce and reduce the number of duplicate entries
  • Automatically create tasks or send emails based on new lead information to help manage your pipeline
  • Automatically populate sales materials with company information when an an account is qualified.

Setting up a Salesforce trigger

To use a Salesforce trigger, first set up your PagerDuty Workflow Automation Salesforce integration. For more information on integrating PagerDuty Workflow Automation with other systems, please refer to the Integrations section of our help documentation.

Configuring Salesforce triggers require administration permissions within Salesforce. Please consult with your organization’s Salesforce administrator when using these features as it requires familiarity configuring Salesforce.

Different Salesforce triggers

Setting up what each Salesforce trigger will output

Fields made available through this trigger are dependent on the field configurations within your Salesforce instance. For example, the field configurations for Salesforce leads can be found by:

  1. Accessing Setup by selecting the gear icon in the top right of the Salesforce interface
  2. Going to the Object Manager tab which is to the right of the Home tab
  3. Choosing Lead from the list of all Salesforce objects
  4. Selecting Fields & Relationships in the lefthand side navigation

The resulting table lists the fields available for leads and includes a column labeled Field Name that defines the term to use when referencing a field after it has been passed into PagerDuty Workflow Automation. Furthermore, when using these terms as references within PagerDuty Workflow Automation, please use the proper {{field-names}} format.

Salesforce Field Label Salesforce Field Name PagerDuty Workflow Automation Reference
Address Address {{address}}
Annual Revenue AnnualRevenue {{annualrevenue}}
Clean Status CleanStatus {{cleanstatus}}
Company Company {{company}}
Created By CreatedById {{createdbyid}}
Description Description {{description}}
Email Email {{email}}
Fax Fax {{fax}}
Industry Industry {{industry}}
Last Modified By LastModifiedById {{lastmodifiedbyid}}
Lead Source LeadSource {{leadsource}}
Mobile MobilePhone {{mobilephone}}
Name Name {{name}}
No. of Employees NumberOfEmployees {{numberofemployees}}
Lead Owner OwnerId {{ownerid}}
Phone Phone {{phone}}
Rating Rating {{rating}}
Salutation Salutation {{salutation}}
Lead Status Status {{status}}
Title Title {{title}}
Website Website {{website}}

Some Salesforce fields are system defaults and are not configurable within Salesforce’s Field & Relationships settings. These are listed below, labeled by the format to reference them by in PagerDuty Workflow Automation alongside a description of the field:

PagerDuty Workflow Automation Reference Salesforce Field Equivalent
{{city}} Corresponds to lead’s City, base component of the Address data type in Salesforce
{{country}} Corresponds to lead’s Country, base component of the Address data type in Salesforce
{{createddate}} Date and timestamp of when the lead was created
{{firstname}} Corresponds to lead’s First Name, base component of the Name data type in Salesforce
{{isconverted}} True or false indicating whether lead has been converted
{{isdeleted}} True or false indicating whether lead has been moved to the Recycle Bin in Salesforce
{{isunreadbyowner}} True or false indicating whether Salesforce assigned to lead has yet to view the lead
{{lastmodifieddate}} Date and timestamp of when the lead was last updated by a user
{{lastname}} Corresponds to lead’s Last Name, base component of the Name data type in Salesforce
{{lastreferenceddate}} Date and timestamp of when the Salesforce records related to this lead was last viewed by the current user
{{lastvieweddate}} Date and timestamp of when the lead was last viewed by the current user
{{lead-id}} Alphanumeric ID of the lead
{{leadurl}} Direct URL link to the lead in Salesforce
{{photourl}} Path to append to the end of your Salesforce instance URL (i.e. to generate a direct link to the lead’s social media profile picture
{{postalcode}} Corresponds to lead’s Zip/Postal Code, base component of the Address data type in Salesforce
{{state}} Corresponds to lead’s State/Province, base component of the Address data type in Salesforce
{{street}} Corresponds to lead’s Street Address, base component of the Address data type in Salesforce
{{systemmodstamp}} Date and timestamp of when the lead was last updated by a user or an automated process

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