Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

Workflow: Update a completed run to test mode

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Use this action to modify a completed run that was incorrectly run in production mode to test mode. This removes the run from the process table and adds TEST to the run name. This action is only available to admins.

Edit permissions are required to update a run to test mode. If a user does not have edit permissions, the action will fail. See Understanding permission levels in PagerDuty Workflow Automation for more information.

Use case

This action helps manage completed runs when you’re tracking or running reports from the process table or dashboard. For example, if a run is started accidentally, the run could be included in any future reports or data and skew results. This action can update these completed instances to be tests so they’re not tallied in reports.

This action is also helpful to remove all completed runs used during testing of new automation. It’s essential to test Workflows often during development and when the Workflow is ready this action can update all past runs to test mode so the process table is clean.

How to configure this action

The status of the target run must be complete or canceled and the user running this task must have edit permissions for the Workflow that creates the run.

Fields for this action

  • Run ID

    • Enter the run ID of the run to update to test mode. When viewing the instance detail page, the run ID is available at the end of the URL.
      • Example: For, the Run ID would be 0aab7af0-b762-419f-8c6a-4d4363808681
  • Output field name

    • To help keep output fields organized, this output field name will be added to the beginning of each output field as this action may output more than one field.

What will this output?

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the output field name above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-name--output-field}}.

Output fields for this action

  • New Mode

    • The new mode for the updated run. If this action is successful, this field will be “Test”.
  • Old Mode

    • The old mode of the updated run. For example, “Production” or “Cancelled”.

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