Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

Email: Invite a User

Use this action to invite and add a new user to your PagerDuty Workflow Automation team from a Workflow.

Use Case

  • Onboarding new hires to your team
  • Providing access to your team for anyone not added during onboarding (I.e.: contractors, outside counsel, recruiters, etc.)

How to configure this action

All new users will enter the team as Team Members. Use the My team section if they should have Admin access. See User Permissions for more information. The invitation link will expire after 3 days

Fields for this action

  • To address

    • Collect email addresses before this task. Here are ways to collect emails before this task begins:
      • Another task before this in the same Workflow
      • A task in another Workflow that starts the Workflow containing the invite a user task
      • A web form trigger for the Workflow containing the invite a user task
    • Use reference fields in the task configuration to make this field dynamic. Example: if you collect the email address through a field labeled “email”, the reference will be {{email}}.
  • CC

    • This is an optional field in the configuration. You may want to add an email for an existing member of your team to make them aware when a new user is added.
  • Sender name

    • The sender name is the name the email will appear from to the new user. Commonly used are the team name or a team member’s name, such as a manager. This field may be dynamic, but it is not necessary.
  • Subject

    • The subject will appear in the email line. You may add dynamic references in the subject line, but they are not necessary.
  • Email body

    • The email body is the message the new user receives along with a link to join your team. You may add dynamic references in the email body, but they are not necessary.
    • Replacement text for the footer, including a link to unsubscribe, if appropriate. If left blank, the default footer will be displayed
  • Mark complete after sending

    • Select True or False from the drop down to set when the task is marked as complete.
      • Select True if you want this task to end as soon as the email is sent. The rest of the Workflow will continue.
      • Select False or leave blank if you want this task to wait until the user has joined your team.

    💡   Tip: If there are tasks dependent on the user joining the team, set this field to False.

  • Mark complete on bounce

    • Select True or False from the drop down to choose how the task is handled if an email cannot be delivered.
      • Select True to mark this task complete when the email cannot be delivered.
      • Select False or leave blank to leave the task open so that the web form can be completed manually or the instance canceled.
    • 💡   Tip: Bounce output fields are added to the task when an email bounces. Automated bounce handling can be configured by using the bounce output fields in task conditions.
  • Output Field Prefix

    • To help keep output fields organized, choose an output field prefix to add to the beginning of each output field name as this action may output more than one field.
    • The step’s name is used as the prefix by default.

What will this output?

Bounce output fields are added to the task when an email bounces. Automated bounce handling can be configured by using the bounce output fields in task conditions.

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-prefix--output-field}}. Learn more

Output fields for this action

  • inviteSent

    • A confirmation the invite was sent.
  • Invitee Username

    • After the invitee joins, this field will store their username.

Additional Output fields if an email bounces

  • Email bounced

    • A TRUE or FALSE response for whether or not an email bounced.
  • Bounced email address

    • A list of all the email addresses where the email bounced.
  • Bounce message

    • This will capture the message returned by the addresses where the email bounced.
  • Bounce type

    • The bounce type for the bounced email.

Get help with a problem or question

If something’s not working as expected, or you’re looking for suggestions, check through the options below.

Why are the bounce fields always empty?

After an email is sent, if it bounces this action normally returns extra output fields like: Email bounced, Bounced email address and Bounce message.

A common reason why these fields may not appear or appear blank is if the process ends before the email bounces. If an email is opened or bounces after the process ends, the fields cannot be updated.

To avoid this, add a task with a delay after the email task, or set up the Workflow so this task is not the last task in a process.

Why are my emails not sending?

If you get the bounce message “PagerDuty Workflow Automation has sent too many emails to this address recently. Please try again later”:

  • PagerDuty Workflow Automation limits the number of emails you can send to a single email address to 100 emails per hour. Exceeding that amount, under all circumstances, will trigger this message.

  • If you have a business case that requires you to send over 100 emails an hour to a single recipient, please contact PagerDuty Support.

If you have the comment on the instance, “PagerDuty Workflow Automation did not send your email … because an email with the exact same subject and body was sent to this address within the last hour.”:

  • PagerDuty Workflow Automation has an built-in spam prevention system to limit unintentional duplicate emails—this is intended to help avoid accidental spam, or embarrassing duplicates.

  • This error occurs if an email with an identical body and subject line has been sent to the same email address within the last hour. To send the exact same email, wait an hour.

  • To bypass the spam protection, see How do I bypass the spam protection altogether?.

If you have the comment on the instance, “PagerDuty Workflow Automation did not send your email … to [addresses] because … have a history of bouncing”:

  • If prior emails have repeatedly bounce for a given email address, that address will be added to our blacklist to prevent sending messages inadvertently. This message indicates that PagerDuty Workflow Automation skipped sending the message because past messages repeatedly bounced.
  • If you know the issue that causes the bounce is fixed, you can email support to ask for the email to be removed from the blacklist.
How do I bypass the spam protection altogether?

To bypass the spam prevention, make each email unique. For example, add the Run Start Date to each email—this globally available field includes the start date in 2020-01-22T16:35:55.342Z format. This will ensure all emails are sent, even if all other content is the same.

💡   Tip: To make the date format more readable, use the Dates: Format a date time action with a format like D/M/Y HH:mm:ss.

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