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Esignatures: Request document signature

Use this action to obtain a legally binding e-signature on a PDF, JPG, DOCX, or other file type. HelloSign is the e-signature and security provider for this action.

This is a premium action. By default, a premium action is not available in a team as there is an additional fee associated with it. Please contact PagerDuty Support to begin working with this action, or check the Premium Actions article.

PagerDuty Workflow Automation also supports signing with DocuSign. If you already use DocuSign, set up a DocuSign integration to use actions like DocuSign: Upload and Send a Document for Signatures

How to configure this action

The document to be signed must exist prior to this action, either uploaded into a previous field or created in a PDF: Create PDF document or other file action.

There is a per use cost associated with this action. To configure and test this action during building, be sure to set Test mode to true so no costs are incurred. When any testing is complete, set the Test mode field back to false.

Fields for this action

  • File

    • Enter a {{field-reference}} to the file to sign. Supported file types include doc, docx, pdf, ppsx, ppt, pptx, jpg, jpeg, png, xls, xlsx, txt, html, and gif.
  • Document title

    • Enter a title for the document to be signed. This title is visible during signing.
  • Email subject

    • Enter a subject for the email sent to signers. The subject line includes “- signature requested by PagerDuty Workflow Automation” at the end for verification.
  • Email message

    • Enter a message to appear within the body of the email sent to signers.
  • Signer 1 (2, 3) name

    • Enter the name of the first person who will sign the document. Repeat for up to 2 additional signers in the Signer 2 name and Signer 3 name fields.
    • Note: Signing happens in order from signer 1-3. For example, if the first signer never signs the document, the 2nd and 3rd signers never receive a request.
  • Signer 1 (2, 3) email address

    • Enter the email address for the first person who will sign the document. Repeat for up to 2 additional signers in the Signer 2 email address and Signer 3 email address fields.
  • Post signing redirect URL

    • Set the URL signers are automatically redirected to after signing. The default post-signing redirect URL will be HelloSign’s post-signature page.
  • Allow for declining

    • Allow for declining enables the signer to select “Decline” when viewing the document.
    • If the signer declines, all other signers receive an email alerting them that the signature request has been closed.
  • Test mode

    • Set to true during testing—this will ensure no costs are incurred while testing.
    • Set to false once the Workflow is ready for live instances.
  • Expiration date

    • The expiration date is the number of days the file is available to sign, after which, no signatures are accepted. If left blank, the default expiration date is 30 days.
  • Signed document name

    • Create a name for the final document once it is signed. This can be a combination of text and field references.
  • Output Field Prefix

    • To help keep output fields organized, choose an output field prefix to add to the beginning of each output field name as this action may output more than one field.
    • The step’s name is used as the prefix by default.

When I request a signature, what does the signer see?

There are 3 steps in the signature request workflow:

  1. This action sends an email to the first signer requesting a signature.
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    An example of the email signers receive. Configure the Email subject and Email message during action configuration.
  2. Signers receive the email above and can review & sign the document through HelloSign. During review, if given the option, they can also decline to sign.
    • If a signer signs the document, they are sent a confirmation email where they can review the signed document.
    • If a signer declines, the process is ended and no other signers receive the a request to sign. All signers are alerted if a signature is declined.
    • If the signer does not sign or decline, they receive a reminder email approximately 3 and 7 days after the request to sign was first made.
  3. If there are multiple signers, the next signer is requested to sign. Signing happens in order from signer 1 to signer 3. If there are no more signers, the action is completed.

What will this output?

This action will output the signed file, converted into a PDF, with the file name configured in Signed document name. The file will only be available after being signed by all signers.

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-prefix--output-field}}. Learn more

Output fields for this action

  • Signed document

    • The signed document converted into a PDF. Signatures are added at the end of the PDF.
  • Signer 1 (2, 3) Status

    • The status of each requested signer. For example, awating-signature, signed, or declined.
  • Signer 1 (2, 3) last viewed time

    • The time that the document was last viewed by this signer in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss format.
  • Status

    • The status of the request. For example, Declined, Expired, Waiting for Signer 1, Waiting for Signer 2, Waiting for Signer 3, Fully signed.

Additional Output fields if a signer declines

  • Declined by

    • The name of the signer that declined to sign.
  • Declined reason

    • The reason the signer declined. If a signer declines, they are required to provide a reason.

If you don’t see these field after a signer declines, be sure to check the output fields for an entire Workflow.

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