Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

File: Get file information

Use this action to retrieve the size, extension, type, and name of a file.

Use case

This action is essential in any file automation. Use it to route files, handle unexpected file sizes, or set up conditions based on file types.

  • To set up a Workflow that can handle multiple file types, use this action early in a process to identify a file’s type. Then, set up unique branches to route each file type to.
  • If a file is too big, it may cause a fix task. Use this action as a checkpoint that all new files have to pass through. For example, email attachments should be no bigger than 7.5mb—use this action to double check.

How to configure this action

A file must exist prior to this action, either uploaded into a previous field or Instance Field.

If you’re looking for the dimensions of an image file, use the Images: Resize an image action instead.

Fields for this action

  • File

    • Enter a file name in {{field-name}} format.
  • Output Field Prefix

    • To help keep output fields organized, choose an output field prefix to add to the beginning of each output field name as this action may output more than one field.
    • The step’s name is used as the prefix by default.

What will this output?

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-prefix--output-field}}. Learn more

Output fields for this action

  • File name

    • The file name, including the extension.
  • File size in bytes

    • The file’s size in bytes. This will be an integer.
  • File extension

    • The file extension of the file, such as png or jpg.
  • File type

    • The type of the file in IANA type/subtype format, for example, text/csv or image/png.

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