Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

Field: Set Value of a Text Field

Use this action to set the name and value of a new or existing field and set the field type to text.

This action can help you ensure that a field is in the correct format, before using additional actions that require that format.

Use case

This action is often used to combine text. For example, if a standard set of text needs to be combined with the recipient of the email, like “Dear User Joan”, this action can merge text and reference fields.

How to configure this action

Fields for this action

  • Text to combine

    • Text or fields in {{field-name}} format to concatenate
  • Output field name

    • The name of the field in which the result should be saved

What will this output?

The Output field name will display the Text to combine as a single field of text.

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