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Admin Team Center

Important team specific settings and customizations are available from the Admin Team Center. If your user permissions give you admin capabilities, you will be able to access the Admin Team Center and customize your team settings.

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To access the Admin Team Center, open the menu in the top navigation bar, and select Admin.

How to customize your team settings

Select Team Settings to add a team logo, update the team’s name, whitelist IP addresses, and set the default editing permissions.

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Upload a logo image on the team settings page to customize emails and forms sent by your team. Logos must be PNG, GIF, or JPEG format, no larger than 500px in width or height, and smaller than 1MB.

The logo displays at the top of these pages and all emails, forms, and other guest views will include the logo.

Change your team name

From the team settings page,

  1. Replace the existing name
  2. Select

Changing your Team name will not change your PagerDuty Workflow Automation team URL. However, it is helpful if you would like to add capital letters, spaces or any other characters visible in your PagerDuty Workflow Automation communications.

Add login security with a whitelist

To restrict any logins from unspecified IP addresses, enter the accepted IP addresses on the Team Settings page.

  1. Enter comma separated IPv4 and IPv6 addresses and CIDR blocks to whitelist as trusted ranges. If you are not sure of the correct addresses, contact your IT department or team.
  2. Select

Set the default editing permissions

Admins can change editing permissions per user from the User Profile Page, or set a default editing permission on the team settings page. If a user does not have individual permissions set, this default editing permission will determine their permissions.

By default, new users will inherit the default editing permissions defined here. For example, if the default is set to “enabled”, all new users can create and edit Workflows.

This setting will toggle retroactively and change all user editing permissions except if a user’s editing permissions have been changed individually. Individually set user permissions override any past or future changes to the default editing permissions.

Configure who can invite new users

By default, All Team Members can invite new users to a team they’re a member of. Change this setting to Admin only to restrict team members from inviting users.

How to view your team members

You can see all team members on your team from the Members section of the Admin Team Center. From there, you can view or manage all existing team members.

Your team page lists all members and groups within your team. Your user permissions will determine what functions you are able to do within your team. You can also access the list of members by selecting your profile icon in the top right, and choosing My Team.

How to customize your email settings

You can do a lot of customization of your emails when you use each email action. Any other general settings will be in the Email Settings section of the Admin Team Center.

Use custom accent colors

From the email settings page, choose an accent color with an HTML color code. The accent color will change the color of buttons in emails, forms, and other views.

How to customize your webform settings

Most web form customization happens when you set up the web form itself. Any other general web form settings will be in the web form Settings section of the Admin Team Center.

Manage which domains can host embedded web forms

For security purposes, you can only embed forms on allowed domains. From the webform settings screen, enter the trusted domains where webforms are allowed—web forms will only appear if hosted on an included domain.

  1. Enter the domains allowed to host embedded webforms. The domain is the part of the URL before .com. Such as
  2. The results save automatically.

To remove a domain, select the x on an added domain.

How to customize your SSO settings

SSO gives your team members access to PagerDuty Workflow Automation through their Identify Provider (IdP) account. SSO is configured from the Admin Team Center. SSO Settings can only be accessed by Admin users and are enabled per team. See the Implement single sign on article to learn how.

How to view your team’s triggers

You can see all triggers in use on your team from the Triggers section of the Admin Team Center. From there, you can edit or manage all existing triggers. See the General Trigger Information article to learn more.

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