Catalytic is now PagerDuty Workflow Automation

ServiceNow: Delete a record

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Use this action to delete a single record from ServiceNow.

How to configure this action

This action requires a preconfigured ServiceNow integration. For more information on integrating PagerDuty Workflow Automation with other systems, please refer to the Integrations section of our help documentation.

Fields for this action

  • Integration

    • Select your Dropbox integration from the options. You may have multiple integrations configured.
  • Sys ID

    • Enter the ID for the record. All records have a unique 32-character ID. There are 2 ways to get the Sys id
    • Get the Sys ID from the header bar
      • When viewing the record, right click on the header bar and select Copy URL from the context menu. Paste the URL into a text editor, you can then copy the 32-character string at the end of the URL.
    • Get the Sys ID from the URL
      • When viewing the individual record, the ID is in the URL. Click on the URL bar of your browser and copy the 32-character string at the end of the URL.
  • Table name

    • Enter the Table name where the record is stored, for example incident. For a list of the default ServiceNow tables, see the Tables and Classes article.
  • Output Field Prefix

    • To help keep output fields organized, choose an output field prefix to add to the beginning of each output field name as this action may output more than one field.
    • The step’s name is used as the prefix by default.
  • Sysparm query no domain

    • Set whether to attempt to include records from restricted domains. This is based on the permissions provided to the user account used during integration creation. The user account must be an admin, or the user must have the query_no_domain_table_api role.
      • Enter true to exclude records from restricted domains.
      • Enter false to include records from restricted domains.

What will this output?

This action will create an output field for every field in the record. The output field name will be the same name as the field in ServiceNow.

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-prefix--output-field}}

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