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Web API: Send POST Request

Use this action to send a POST request to a URL. This action can automatically convert API responses into fields, and supports downloading files.

For an overview of working and getting start with PagerDuty Workflow Automation Web API actions, you can review our General API Information article.

How to configure this action

The Web API: Send POST Request action is typically used to add new (create) information to a third party API endpoint.

Please note that POST requests are not idempotent while PUT requests are. This means that multiple POST requests can be made on the same object at the same time, where as many PUT requests cannot.

API Endpoint, Async Webhook?, and Output field prefix are the only configurations required for the Web API: Send POST Request action.

Fields for this action

  • Integration

    • If applicable, select from all integrations already authorized through the Integrations page

      💡   Tip: Selecting an Integration is optional and should only be defined if a Web API Integration has already been connected to your PagerDuty Workflow Automation team.

  • API Endpoint

    • Enter the URL for API endpoint. {{field-names}} directly within the URL are acceptable
  • Headers

    • If applicable, include the information required for each API request sent to endpoint, including but not limited to Content-Type of the response and/or authorization credentials. One header per line.

    • 💡   Tip: When a Content-Type is required for a specific API endpoint, the typical configuration is Content-Type: application/json.

  • Request Body

    • Parameters stored within the body of the request, in stringified JSON format.
      • For example "{"x":5,"y":6}", "[3,"false",false]", "{"x":[10,null,null,null]}", "{"file":"{{file-field-1}}", "title":"{{file-name-1}}"}", {"fileName": "test.pdf","fileContents": ""}, {"text":"hello"}, or {"firstName":"Erika","lastName":"Mustermann"}.
    • If you reference a file in the request body, you can set how the file is encoded in the File encoding format field.
  • Output field prefix

    • To help keep output fields organized, choose an output field prefix to add to the beginning of each output field name as this action may output more than one field.
  • The step’s name is used as the prefix by default.

  • Response Mapping

    • If the response body is in XML or JSON, the object can be converted into fields. If an output is an array, it will be converted into a data table and where the field value of the output is the data table ID.
      • Leave blank or enter FIELDS to have the API response converted to fields
      • Enter RAW to have the raw response output into a field {{output-field-prefix--rawresponse}}
      • Enter BOTH to have the action output both mapped fields and the raw response

      💡   Tip: While Response Mapping is available for this action, it is not typically used when sending POST requests because of the expected behavior.

  • File encoding format

    • If you upload a file by referencing a file field in the request body, you can set how the file is encoded. Encoding changes how the file is stored—like as a clickable link, or as unique 32-character ID.
      • Choose ID to have file fields referenced in the body encoded as file IDs. The ID is generated by PagerDuty Workflow Automation and will be in the following format: de231f7e-a2ba-4e54-a517-fdbd969a3797.
      • Choose Link to have file fields referenced in the body encoded as links, such as https://<teamName><teamName>/files/de231f7e-a2ba-4e54-a517-fdbd969a3797/download where <teamName> is the name of the team.
      • Choose Base64 to file fields referenced in the body encoded as base64 encoded strings.
      • Choose Binary to have file fields referenced in the body encoded as binary.

💡   Tip: If you’re not sure what encoding format to use, try Link for the most accessible format. In this format, the service you send the request to can easily access and download the file.

  • Disable certificate validation

    • Select True or False from the drop down to decide whether to ignore certification and make insecure requests without including a self-signed certificate, or prevent connection for insecure requests.
      • Select True to ignore certificate errors.
      • Select False or leave blank to prevent connection for requests with an invalid or self-signed certificates.

      ✅   Heads-up: Ignoring certificate errors can make your request insecure.

  • Include headers with redirect

    • If your request results in a redirect, you can control whether the authentication headers are resent. This is typically false for most general requests.
    • ✅   Heads-up: While some services require this set to True, doing so can break other services—only choose True if required by your service or integration.
      • Select False to prevent authentication headers from being resent when a request results in a redirect.
      • Select True to preserve headers if required by the endpoint or integration.

What will this output?

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as: {{output-field-prefix--output-field}}.

If the POST request is successful, the output will include the entire body of the API response along with any other values that are passed back from the API endpoint. One of the values included will be the status code 200.

If the POST request is unsuccessful an error will be returned along with the status code 404.

Output fields for this action

  • Mapped Fields

    • Maps the output of the API to fields, similar to the other web API actions. The mapped fields should be outputted in the cases where the response mapping is either blank, FIELDS or BOTH. For each output, a new field will be automatically generated.
  • Raw Response

    • Non-converted response. The raw response should only be outputted in the cases where the response mapping is either RAW or BOTH.
  • Error

    • Error message if the API was unsuccessful in connecting.
    • Example: {“code”:”unauthorized”,”message”:”Invalid key”}
  • Status Code

    • Status code for an unsuccessful API call.

API endpoint specific configuration

The specific configurations necessary for the API Endpoint and Headers fields are determined by the entity supporting the API endpoint. For many API endpoints, request parameters are passed directly within the URL of the request and the Request Body will instead remain empty.

Please refer to and familiarize yourself with the endpoint’s dedicated API documentation for more information.

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