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Power BI: Replace all rows in a Power BI table

Use this action to replace a Power BI dataset with data from a Workflow Automation data table. This will replace data in the Power BI dataset.

The target dataset and the selected Workflow Automation data table much have identical columns—they must exactly match and be in the same order.

How to configure this action

This action requires a preconfigured Power BI integration. For more information on integrating PagerDuty Workflow Automation with other systems, please refer to the Integrations section of our help documentation.

Fields for this action

  • Integration

    • Select your Power BI integration from the options. You may have multiple integrations configured.
  • Data table

    • Choose the table that will replace the Power BI dataset. Select from a list of all tables available on your team. The list only includes tables you have permission to view.
      • You can also reference a table stored in a field. Change the left hand drop-down to Use table via field then select from any field that is part of the process. Learn more.
      • If necessary, you can enter the Table ID directly. Change the left hand drop-down to Use table by ID then enter the ID manually. Learn more.
  • Dataset ID

    • Enter the ID for the dataset you wish to replace. All datasets have a unique 32-character ID. There are 3 ways to get the Dataset ID:
    • Use an action
    • Find the ID manually from the URL
      • You can find the ID when viewing the dataset settings in Power BI.
        1. From any Power BI page, expand Workspaces in the sidebar and look for the dataset in the Dataset section of any of your workspaces.
        2. Click on the 3 dot icon for that dataset, then select Settings.
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        3. Click on the URL bar of your browser and copy the 32-character string at the end of the URL.
    • Use Web API actions to retrieve all dataset IDs
      • Use the Web API: Send GET request action with the GET request to retrieve all Power BI datasets. See Microsoft’s official Get Dataset Request docs for more details on how to format this request.
  • Dataset table name

    • Enter the name for the dataset you wish to replace. Spaces and special characters are accepted. The table name is case insensitive.
  • Workspace

    • The name or ID of the Workspace your Dataset is in. Defaults to “My Workspace” if blank.
  • Output field name

    • Enter the name for the field in which the result should be saved.

What will this output?

This action may generate multiple fields. To help keep output fields organized, the prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-prefix--output-field}}

Output fields for this action

  • Data Set ID

    • The unique 32-character ID for the dataset selected during configuration. For example, 8c483fe5-d978-43a2-b7h4-f59548a23ca5. Reference this field in other Power BI actions.
  • Number of rows updated

    • The number of rows successfully added. This will be limited by dataset’s Retention Policy.
  • Data set URL

    • The full URL for the created dataset. For example,

Get help with a problem or question

If something’s not working as expected, or you’re looking for suggestions, check through the options below.

I get the error “Unable to reset columns for dataset”

This is likely because the target dataset and your Workflow Automation data table do not have identical columns.

To replace a dataset, the Workflow Automation data table must have the same columns, in the same order. There can be no missing or extra columns.

Sorry about that. What was the most unhelpful part?

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