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Locations: Parse US Street Address

🕙  1 minute read

Use the Locations: Parse US Street Address to save each portion of an address into fields such as street, city, state and zip code.

Use case

Save addresses to specific fields without manually copying and pasting

How to configure this action

Fields for this action

  • Street address

    • Enter a single street address if the same address is needed every time the instance is run
    • For a dynamic process, enter a reference field from a prior task or instance
  • Return field name

    • Enter a name for the field in which the result should be saved.
    • This can be used later in {{field-names}} format to reference the parsed text

What will this output?

The expected output for this action is the parsed result of the address stored in the return field name defined in configuration.

The parsed address is stored as a single string in the output field, but with field references, each item is accessible individually.

Output fields for this action

  • Return field name

    • This field will output a single string with the parsed location.
    • For example:

        "status": "completed",
        "street-address": "954 W Washington Blvd, Chicago IL 60607-2224",
        "city": "Chicago",
        "state": "IL",
        "zipcode-plus4": "60607-2224",
        "primary-number": "954",
        "street-predirection": "W",
        "street-name": "Washington",
        "street-suffix": "Blvd",
        "city-name": "Chicago",
        "default-city-name": "Chicago",
        "state-abbreviation": "IL",
        "zipcode": "60607",
        "plus4-code": "2224",
        "delivery-point": "99",
        "delivery-point-check-digit": "3"

To reference individual values from the parsed address, use the following reference fields as examples:

To reference the 5 character zipcode with field references, you can use {{return-field-name.zipcode}}as the reference, where return-field-name is the name defined during configuration, such as {{my-results.zipcode}}.

  • Primary number: {{return-field-name.primary-number}}
  • Street name: {{return-field-name.street-name}}
  • Street suffix: {{return-field-name.street-suffix}}
  • City: {{}}
  • State {{return-field-name.state}}
  • Zipcode {{return-field-name.zipcode}}
  • Expanded Zipcode {{return-field-name.zipcode-plus4}}
  • Full street address {{return-field-name.street-address}}

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