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Excel: Combine Spreadsheets

Use this action to add the rows of one XLSX or CSV file directly below the rows of another XLSX or CSV file.

Use case

This action is used for joining two Excel or CSV files together. The primary use case is combining two datasets into a single file.

How to configure this action

Fields for this action

  • 1st Spreadsheet

    • The 1st file, this is the starting file and the 2nd spreadsheet will be added to it. Use the associated field name references in {{field-names}} format
  • Sheet Name for 1st Spreadsheet

    • Sheet name or number, either 1 or sheet1 format, for specifying which sheet of Excel files to combine. If blank, defaults to the first sheet
  • 2nd Spreadsheet

    • The 2nd file, this is the second file and will be added to end of the 1st spreadsheet. Use the associated field name references in {{field-names}} format
  • Sheet Name for 2nd Spreadsheet

    • Sheet name or number, either 1 or sheet1 format, for specifying which sheet of Excel files to combine. If blank, defaults to the first sheet
  • 2nd Spreadsheet Starting Row

    • Number for the row of the 2nd Spreadsheet to start on when selecting rows to insert to the bottom of 1st Spreadsheet. If blank, defaults to 1
  • File Name of Combined Spreadsheet

    • Text to name the output file, which can be used later in {{field-names}} format to reference resulting file
    • The input itself can also include {{field-names}}, see note below under Tips
    • If blank, the output filename defaults to uploaded-file
  • File Extension

    • XLSX or CSV, file format for output. If blank, defaults to XLSX

What will this output?

The expected output is a combined file - either XLSX or CSV - that contains the entirety of 1st Spreadsheet and the defined rows from 2nd Spreadsheet.


  • While the input for File Name of Combined Spreadsheet can include {{field-names}} to dynamically generate file names, this added level of complexity will require additional steps when referring back to these dynamic field names. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to only use text for File Name of Combined Spreadsheet. If dynamic output file names are necessary, please reach out to PagerDuty Support for assistance.

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