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Tables: Convert data table to markdown text

Use this action to create a markdown formatted table from a data table.

💡   Tip: If you want to convert a table into text, you can also use the powerful Tables: Convert data table to text action.

Use case

Use this action to create a markdown table that can be dropped into an email or placed in task instructions in an easy to read, scrollable format. If an email needs to be sent out that includes a table of information, this action is recommended.

How to configure this action

This action can export a maximum of 50 columns. If more than 50 columns are entered, only the first 50 will be included. But, for most use cases, such as sending markdown tables via email, 5 columns or less typically display the best.

Fields for this action

  • Table ID

    • Select a table from a list of all tables available on your team. The list only includes tables you have permission to view.
      • You can also reference a table stored in a field. Change the left hand drop-down to Use table via field then select from any field that is part of the process. Learn more.
      • If necessary, you can enter the Table ID directly. Change the left hand drop-down to Use table by ID then enter the ID manually. Learn more.
  • Columns

    • Enter a comma separated list of the column names to export and in the order you want them to appear in. The name of each column is in the top row of the data table.
    • When blank, all columns will be exported in the original order
  • Bold header row

    • Offers a choice to bold the header row in the markdown formatting
      • If blank of TRUE, the header row will be bolded
      • If FALSE, the header row will not be bolded
  • Output field name

    • Enter a name for the field in which the result should be saved

What will this output?

This action will output the converted Markdown table into a text field where it can be copy and pasted or referenced in future tasks. The name of the output field will be the Output field name defined during configuration. The action output has a limit of 1,000 rows.

For example here is a 3 column, 4 row table in Markdown format:

     |  **Fruit** | **Price** | **Quantity** |
     |  Apple     | 10        | 5            |
     |  Banana    | 40        | 8            |
     |  Pear      | 20        | 2            |

And how the same Markdown table will look when rendered by modern web browsers or email clients:

Fruit Price Quantity
Apple 10 5
Banana 40 8
Pear 20 2

Output fields for this action

  • Output field name

    • The converted table in markdown format.

Get help with a problem or question

If something’s not working as expected, or you’re looking for suggestions, check through the options below.

Why do some column names not work?

Enclose individual column names and values in quotation marks (""), if they contain special characters like commas, leading/trailing whitespace, and newlines. For example:

  • If the column name is $Weekly Report,,,, enter the column name as "$Weekly Report,,,", with quotation marks.
  • If you want to use the field reference {{tablecolumn}} to dynamically reference the column name, enter it as "{{tablecolumn}}"

If the column name contains a quotation mark, escape each quotation mark with quotation marks, for example: if the column name is "Column name", enter it as """Column name""".

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