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Data deletion: Save tables

Use this action to save individual tables from deletion, whether from a scheduled data retention policy, or the Data Deletion: Delete run action.

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Use case

Use this action as part of a GDPR or privacy compliance process that removes old data. This action can preserve important tables that are part of the process, and are not necessary or advisable to delete.

It’s recommended to add this action inside of the process you’re saving tables in, so the tables are saved each instance.

How to configure this action

This action must be inside the same process as the tables to be saved. It is not possible to save tables from past complete instances, or instances from other Workflows. You can reference the tables using the field picker.

If required, you can retrieve the table ID manually. It is always recommended to reference a field with the table ID when possible.

How to find a table’s ID

First, find the table field within a process. It is easiest to find this field by checking the output fields for an entire process

From there, select and open the table. The table ID is available at the end of the URL. For example, for, the table ID is a526b85f-57a3-4a9a-ad14-8d0dfcedcca3

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Fields for this action

  • Table IDs

    • Enter a list of table IDs to save from deletion, separated by commas. When accessing a table, its ID is available at the end of the URL
    • To find a table ID manually, see How to find a table’s ID
  • Output field prefix

    • Enter a name for the field in which the result should be saved.
    • The step’s name is used as the output field name by default.

What will this output?

This action outputs a list of the saved tables. The name of the field will be the Output field prefix defined during configuration.

For all other fields, the output field prefix above will be added to the beginning of each of the output field names, separated by two dashes. Each field will result as:{{output-field-name--output-field}}

Output fields for this action

  • Output field prefix

    • A comma separated list of all the saved table IDs.
  • Count

    • An integer count of the number of saved tables.

Get help with a problem or question

If something’s not working as expected, or you’re looking for suggestions, check through the options below.

How do I access saved tables after a run is deleted?

It is important to save or backup the IDs of any saved files or tables. Once an instance is deleted, saved objects may be hard or impossible to relocate.

You should automate backing up these saved object IDs using actions like Tables: Add a row. For example, immediately after using either Save files or Save tables, use the Tables: Add a row action to reference the output field and grab the saved object IDs.

To access a saved table or file ID, navigate to them directly using a URL.

  • For tables, add the table ID to the following URL: https://{{yourteam}}{{your-table-id}}/
  • For files, add the file ID to the following URL: https://{{yourteam}}{{your-table-id}}/download
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Are my old files or tables being deleted automatically? Do I need to save every file or table?

By default, PagerDuty Workflow Automation saves all instance data and no files or tables are deleted automatically. In most cases, the Save files and Save tables actions are not necessary.

But if your team or company has an active data retention policy, or uses the Data retention: Delete instance action to delete old data, these actions may be useful to you.

Troubleshoot fix tasks

If you encounter any fix tasks when using this action, check some of the resolutions to common fix tasks below.

Fix Task: “The tables with IDs: [X,Y,Z] were not found in this run”

If you receive this fix task, it means the table IDs were valid, but that the tables were not in the run. This action cannot save tables outside of its own process.

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